Transport Audit

A Compliance Audit consists of a site visit where the audit will take place and always includes any necessary advice on compliance and best practice. After the visit you will receive:
A Full Report - approximately 30 page reports outlining all items of compliance, best practice and any recommendations for both Maintenance and Drivers Hours. These are in considerable detail with information that enables an operator to better understand the results, what each part of the audit refers to and includes charts to easily visualise the information collected.
A Summary Report - a shortened version of the full report for quick reference.
A To-Do List - A list of items that need to be done that can be "ticked off" when completed.
A Comparison Report - if a previous audit has been carried out by us then the previous results will be compared to the previous audit. This can quickly demonstrate improvements over a time period, especially to a Traffic Commissioner.
Templates - Any templates for declarations etc. that may be required will be provided.
Types of Audit
Audits can vary in type, size and cost depending on your requirements. A basic audit can assess your systems and procedures for internal quality monitoring purposes and ensuring you meet the requirements whilst an in depth audit can be used at a Public Inquiry.
A transport audit ultimately concerns operating safely but with good management, it can help identify areas that can not only improve safety, but can make an operation more cost effective.
Regular audits and comparison reports can show improvements over a period of time or demonstrate consistent compliance.

Evaluation Audit
Don't require a full compliance audit? Why not have an evaluation of the systems and procedures you already have in place and determine what level of compliance you are achieving. The report gives you an overall assessment of your maintenance arrangements and drivers hours, and will determine your level of compliance. This is a very good way of quality monitoring your systems and procedures and will form part of a good quality monitoring system.
This type of audit can also be used to compare multiple locations and operating centres. Comparison reports can be produced from the results.

Attendance at a Public Inquiry
It could be an advantage to have a compliance audit of your maintenance arrangements and drivers’ hours responsibilities prior to attending a Public Inquiry. This can often provide an operator with an overview of the systems and procedures currently in place and what would be required to operate safe, legal and responsibly. The recommendations can be used as a starting point for any improvements required and the process of change could be put in place prior to attendance. This can only be a positive step at the Public Inquiry.

Traffic Commissioners Undertakings
An undertaking can be requested by the Traffic Commissioner at a Public Inquiry or as part of an application linked to an operator’s licence. The audit is to be independent, unbiased and is carried out to identify any shortfalls in the systems and procedures you have in place. You are obliged to act on any recommendations.

Quality Monitoring Audits
"Continuous reviewing and monitoring of the quality of the systems in place is essential to ensure that they are sufficiently comprehensive to do the job." (DVSA - Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness)
An annual review of either your maintenance systems, drivers hours responsibilities or both is recommended to ensure the systems and procedures you have in place are working and are effective. It can highlight any new requirements that may have come into effect or procedures that may have been overlooked due to other commitments. It is very good way of effectively monitoring your drivers, a maintenance provider, workshop staff and general transport management. Quality mnonitoring audits will help you remain compliant.
The Traffic Commissioner's have guidelines on what compliance audits should consist of. The two main areas are:

Maintenance Arrangements
• Licence Details
• Fleet Details
• Daily Walk Around Checks/Training
• Driver Defect Reporting
• Driver's Responsibilities
• Safety Inspections
• Repair Facilities/Maintenance Providers
• Staff
• Quality Monitoring

Drivers Hours Responsibilities
• Licence Details
• Fleet Details
• Drivers Hours Training
• Tachograph Calibration
• Charts and Printer Rolls
• Storage of Data/Charts
• Dealing with Infringements
• Working Time Directive
• General Drivers Hours Management
These are often asked to be carried out together but can also be completed separately. Other areas covered within these audits are O Licencing, Working Time Directive, Licensing, Driver CPC etc.