Management and Administration

Transport management can be very time consuming and not always given priority in a business. Despite this, you still have legal obligations and transport must be managed efficiently and effectively. Failing to manage this area of a business can create major problems and lead to serious operator licence issues. Assistance is available and having an effective management system can help you save time and money.

O Licence Management
If you hold a restricted Operator's Licence your transport still has to be managed efficiently and effectively in a safe and legal manner. You are still obliged to commit to all the undertakings accepted in obtaining the licence. Employing a qualified Transport Manager on a part time basis can ensure your operation is managed within the requirements whilst committing to your obligations.

Assistance with Administration
Assistance is available for both Standard and Restricted licence holders. If you are the holder of the licence and possibly also the nominated Transport Manager, you may not give up enough time to manage your obligations. Transport administration is very time consuming but support is available. Support can be in the form of regular visits and/or remote management. Regular monitoring of your systems will produce reminders to ensure safety inspections are not missed, drivers download their tachograph cards on time etc.

Systems Set Up
Setting up an appropriate transport management system can sometimes be difficult and time consuming for an operator. You need to have systems and procedures in place that are suitable, easy to manage and contain all the relevant information. Documentation must be kept for specific periods and must be available to any enforcement officers. Appropriate documents and declarations must be in place. An easy to use system can save valuable time.

Driver's Hours Analysis
Regular tachograph analysis providing various reports. You may already have tachograph analysis software, and just need someone to produce and provide analysis of infringements, produce other relevant reports such as Unaccounted Mileages or reports on the Working Time Directive. This can be done remotely on a regular basis. If required, I can also set up tachograph analysis software which you will have full access to and can also be managed remotely.

Safety Inspection Report Analysis
Reviewing safety inspection reports is often overlooked and they can be difficult to interpret.
• Do you know how brake readings should be recorded?
• Do you know if a safety inspection report is up to date?
• Do you know what should be on the report?
• Can you interpret what a technician is reporting?
• Do you know why something is “advised” or “monitored”?
A safety inspection report should be completed correctly and must be easy to understand. Reports can be used in Public Inquiries, Insurance Claims, Accident Investigation, Litigation and it is the Operator who must explain them, not a maintenance provider. Reports must be kept for 15 months.
Maintenance providers are often unaware of the requirements for completing inspection reports but it is your responsibility, not theirs. Checking safety inspection reports can form part of your quality monitoring process.

External Transport Manager
If you require a Transport Manager to be nominated on your licence, a Transport Manager on short term whilst you find someone permanent, a qualified person to assist if you are the Transport Manager or have a restricted licence and require expert assistance.